The Process: being a social entrepreneur
July 11, 2011
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As a social entrepreneur I get asked the the question often, "So when are you going to launch your product?" I've gotten enormous support from friends, family and even strangers that I haven't met that are ready to jump at the chance of buying an Ellie Fun Day blanket. I would love to get them into the hands of every single mom and baby down the street today! (I hear Natalie Portman just had Baby Aleph, and another mini-Kardashian is on the way?!) But all good things come to those who wait.
Starting a successful business is a challenge in itself, I know the statistics so we're taking calculated steps in trying to assure success for the long-term duration. IF anyone asks what does it take, I'm still learning, but I hope to discuss our process here so that others that are paving this path into the jungle of social entrepreneurism can learn from our findings, mistakes and successes.
Next Steps:1.) Business mentors: people with expertise in baby/children's market, import/export, entrepreneurs etc.
2.) Fabric resources: organic cottons and silks is our preferred choice
3.) Business Models: do we do direct sales (online?) or wholesale (stores and boutiques)
Then there are the gazillion other things that we're learning through this process: from SEO, to trade regulation quotas, organic certifications, FTC regulations on children's wear etc etc. But in the end we realize we need to take it one step at a time or else will be biting off more than we can handle.
Right now we're in the process of testing our organic blankies with babies in the real world. They've been asked to spit-up, poop, pee and love them as they would. As simple as it sounds we want these blankies to stand the test of time, be functional and also be well-loved for babies and kids. We may be looking for mommies and daddies that are interested in our tester blankies, so look out for another post coming soon!
Meanwhile here's a little post of Baby Nguyen's blankie.
My friends and I threw Lisa and Billy an amazing airplane themed baby shower. Check it out!
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July 21, 2015
love that pic!